For those that don’t know - the favourite single-header C/C++ library that I’ve ever created is my unit test helper - utest.h. The main features are:
Single header (duh). Works with C and C++. Allows a single executable to be created with both C and C++ tests linked in. Blindingly fast to compile and run. After reading this post on another attempt at a googletest replacement jctest, and all the awesome analysis that Matthias included comparing the compile and runtime performance of jctest as compared to googletest, it suddenly hit me that I haven’t actually provided my performance analysis in any blog to show how good utest.
I’ve long been frustrated with wordpress as the way I post content on my blog:
It is bloated and slow to load pages. Requires an SQL server for content which is mostly static. I find the editor unintuitive. Code samples never quite displayed correctly. I’ve been looking at Hugo for a while now as I love the idea of static site generator, but everytime in the past I tried to switch to it in the past but I was frustrated by the export to hugo plugin for wordpress being broken.
I’ve been continuing my foray into Rust, and one thing I’ve been interested in is global allocators - Rust’s builtin support for switching the allocator used by an application.
One thing I’ve been wanting to try for a while is to see if a bump allocator used in conjunction with a short running application could result in performance gains. I couldn’t find while perusing any crate that added a global allocator that just bumps, so I’ve written my own - bump_alloc.
2018 has been a very busy year for me personally, and I thought for the sake of my own memory of the events I’d do a review of the things I’ve managed to achieve this year.
Vulkan 1.1 / SPIR-V 1.3 & Subgroup Operations The single biggest item that I shipped this year was adding subgroup operations to Vulkan 1.1 and SPIR-V 1.3. It took just under two years of wrangling with all the hardware vendors to get a set of functionality that we could expose on all Vulkan 1.
So I’ve been playing around with Rust in my spare time for a few months now, and have been doing a lot of stuff that bridges C/C++ and Rust content. And one thing that has always bugged me is that I can use a super awesome allocator like jemalloc in Rust, but that the allocations being done via C++ were not being routed into this allocator. So as a tiny baby step into the Rust community, I’ve released my first crate cpp_new.